
School Suspension &

3214 Hearing Law

If your child has been suspended from school it is critical that you speak with an attorney to ensure that your child’s rights are protected. Whether he or she “did it” is only a small part of the equation. State and Federal laws mandate that school districts must obey a rigid set of procedural protocols otherwise the suspension is defective. 

We have been practicing in the area of student discipline for approximately seven years and have handled a wide variety of disciplinary matters including weapons, drugs, sexual acts, and violence in schools, violation of technology policies, threats, fights, and other disciplinary issues. We have also represented parents in appeals to the Board of Education and then to NYSED’s Commissioner of Education.

Contact us as soon as you receive notice of a suspension so that we can ensure that your child’s rights are protected. If a suspension has already been imposed, contact us as soon as you learn of the suspension. Be mindful that there is a short window of time in which a parent may appeal a school suspension.